2003 Holiday Letter |
Happy Holidays from the Schrempp’s!!! The past two years have been about getting Healthy. The last letter we sent out was about the Three Day Avon Breast Cancer Walk. We continued walking (not 18 miles at a time) and eating better, so our weight went from the 265's to the 225's. Then we hit a plateau for 6 months. In March of 2003, Katie was reading an article about health and decided that she needed to return to Weight Watchers. When Katie was 17, she became a Lifetime Member, but when you are 17 you don’t think that this is something that will need to be worked on for the rest of your life. Katie went the first week and realized that Bob would need to come since he is the cook of the family. Bob loved it from day one. First, he was/is one of the only men and we all know that Bob loves to be around the ladies. Second, Bob loves the classes that are given each week. The weight started coming off again. Bob reach his goal in August and became a Lifetime Member in September 2003. To date, he has lost over 85 lbs in the two years. Katie is currently 5 lbs short of her goal, but she has lost over 107 lbs at this point in time, she should reach her goal before the end of March. Please see our website for pictures, because we look like different people. Between the two of us, we have lost a whole Bob, over 180 pounds! http://schrempp.us/ww, the pictures under the "Bob's Journey to Better Health" link. Keep an eye on the web site for before and after pictures once Katie reaches her goal. In the last two years, Bob has gotten back into model trains. He is building HO scale Free-Mo modules. To see some of the stuff he has been doing check out http://www.schrempp.us/bob/trains. He gets together two to five times a year with other modelers from the LA area to the Bay Area to Arizona and beyond, to setup their modules and run trains for the weekend. Katie thinks this is all a little silly but, it keeps him off the street and makes him happy. Katie’s Mom (Barbara) took her on a trip to China this October. Barbara has always wanted to go to China, and this was the year. They were gone for 21 days and visited 11 cities. They went with China Focus Travel and loved the company. The group consisted of 19 members, a national guide and a local guide at each city. What a trip!!! By the way, we love getting Holiday pictures of everyone. We have a special photo album that all the pictures go into each year. It is fun to see how much all the children are growing. Have a safe holiday season. Bob, Katie, and Miss Tara |
Pictures from 2002 and 2003
Page Last Updated 02/17/2004 |