31 March, 1 April 2002

We are back on schedule, 10 and 14 miles. Since Monday was a holiday we decided to walk Sunday and Monday instead of Saturday and Sunday. The weekend was beautiful, nice 80 degree weather, as spring comes the heat is going to kill us. Being Easter Sunday we had brunch with friends and got a late start on the walking. We parked in southern Atascadero and headed for the Hofbrau in downtown. As we got close to the Hofbrau we noticed that all the chairs were up on the tables, not a good sign. We walked up to the front door to find that they had closed early (3 pm) so the employees could go home for Easter supper with family. Lucky for us Carl's Junior, across the street, is not so kind. The bright side is we found out Carl's has a good charbroiled chicken breast salad.

Monday rolled around and we headed up to Garden Farms to start our walk. The plan was simple, walk two miles in Garden Farms then walk the 6 miles to the Hofbrau, eat and walk back 6 miles to the car. This was the first time we walked 14 miles, it is a long way. In the last two miles we found out that 100 bottle of beer on the wall only lasts about 3/4 of a mile. It was a long and hard walk, but we made it. Next weekend is back to back 14 miles, two half marathons!
